Welcome to my digital journal

About me

My name is Carlie Hall and I am a librarian! No, actually I’m an adventurer. But if I had a 9-5 job being a librarian might be cool. What you might find me doing during daylight hours is writing, knitting, watching youtube, planning scuba diving trips, dreaming about cats, or cooking. I love Mexico and traveling through the carribean. I dream of Scotland and following the stars. And mostly I hang out with my husband who has funded, and tolerated with affection, my antics for the past 13 years.

Seriously though, I dabble in the ceramic and textile arts. I have a serious addiction to yarn and enjoy creating socks and sweaters from yarns I’ve spun and dyed with my very own hands. If you are ever a recipient of an item made with angora, our very own Georgio Buckman the French Angora bunny has contributed to your project by way of one of his quarterly salon sessions. Bucky is Frech and fabulous. And neutered. And chewed my phone charging cable earlier this week. I still love him.